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How to Keep Blackbirds Away from Bird Feeder: Effective Tips and Tricks

Blackbirds can be a beautiful sight in your garden, but they can also be a nuisance when it comes to bird feeders. They can take over the feeder, leaving no food for other birds and making a mess with their droppings. If you’re wondering how to keep blackbirds away from bird feeders, there are several methods you can try.

Understanding blackbirds and bird feeders is the first step in keeping them away. Blackbirds are known to be aggressive at feeders, and they tend to scare off other birds. They also have a preference for certain types of food, which can attract them to your feeder. By learning about their behavior and food preferences, you can take steps to keep them away from your feeder and create a safe environment for other birds.

Types of bird feeders can also play a role in attracting or repelling blackbirds. Some feeders are designed to keep larger birds away, while others are more open and accessible. Choosing the right feeder and food can make a big difference in deterring blackbirds from your feeder. By implementing physical barriers and maintaining your feeder, you can create a bird feeding station that is less attractive to blackbirds.

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding blackbirds and their behavior is important in keeping them away from bird feeders.
  • Choosing the right feeder and food can make a big difference in deterring blackbirds from your feeder.
  • Implementing physical barriers and maintaining your feeder can create a bird feeding station that is less attractive to blackbirds.

Understanding Blackbirds and Bird Feeders

Blackbirds are a common sight in many bird feeders. These birds are known for their aggressive behavior and can quickly dominate a feeding area, making it difficult for other native species to feed. Understanding the behavior of blackbirds and their preferences for bird feeders can help bird enthusiasts keep them away from the feeding area.

Blackbirds are known for their love of seeds. They will eat almost any type of seed, including sunflower seeds, millet, and corn. They are also attracted to suet, mealworms, and fruit. Blackbirds are ground feeders, which means they prefer to eat from feeders that are close to the ground. They are also known for their aggressive behavior and will often chase other birds away from the feeding area.

Bird feeders come in many different shapes and sizes. Some bird feeders are designed to keep blackbirds away, while others may actually attract them. For example, blackbirds are attracted to open platform feeders and ground feeders. These types of feeders are not recommended for areas where blackbirds are a problem. Instead, bird enthusiasts should use caged bird feeders or tube feeders with adjustable perches. These types of bird feeders will allow smaller birds to feed while keeping blackbirds away.

Native species are an important part of any ecosystem. When blackbirds dominate a feeding area, they can push out smaller native species, which can have a negative impact on the local ecosystem. By using the right bird feeders and food, bird enthusiasts can help protect native species while keeping blackbirds away.

In summary, understanding the behavior of blackbirds and their preferences for bird feeders can help bird enthusiasts keep them away from the feeding area. By using the right bird feeders and food, bird enthusiasts can protect native species while keeping blackbirds at bay.

Types of Bird Feeders

When it comes to keeping blackbirds away from bird feeders, selecting the right feeder is crucial. Different types of feeders are available in the market, each with its own unique features to deter blackbirds from feeding.

One popular type of bird feeder is the tube feeder. These feeders have multiple feeding ports and can accommodate several birds at once. They are typically designed to hold small seeds like nyjer, millet, and sunflower seeds. However, blackbirds can still access these feeders and cause a nuisance. To prevent this, consider using a caged bird feeder. These feeders have a wire cage surrounding the feeding ports, which allows smaller birds to enter but keeps larger birds like blackbirds out.

Another type of feeder is the hopper-style feeder. These feeders have a large reservoir that holds a significant amount of birdseed. They are designed to attract a variety of bird species, but blackbirds can still access them. To prevent this, consider using a weight-activated feeder. These feeders have a mechanism that closes the feeding ports when a heavy bird like a blackbird lands on them.

Hummingbird feeders are also popular, but they can attract blackbirds as well. To prevent this, consider using a platform feeder. These feeders have a flat surface that allows birds to feed on a variety of foods, including fruit, suet, and mealworms. Blackbirds are less likely to feed from platform feeders because they prefer to feed on the ground.

Finally, upside-down suet feeders are an excellent option for deterring blackbirds. These feeders have a cage that surrounds the suet, which only allows birds that can hang upside-down to feed. Blackbirds are not able to feed from these feeders because they cannot hang upside-down.

Overall, selecting the right bird feeder is essential to keep blackbirds away from bird feeders. Consider using a caged bird feeder, weight-activated feeder, platform feeder, or upside-down suet feeder to deter blackbirds from feeding.

Choosing the Right Food

Choosing the right food is an important step in keeping blackbirds away from your bird feeder. Blackbirds are known to be attracted to certain types of food, so selecting the right food can help deter them from your feeder.

One type of food that blackbirds tend to avoid is safflower seed. This seed is not as attractive to blackbirds as other types of seeds, but it is still enjoyed by many other bird species. Another seed that blackbirds tend to avoid is thistle seed, which is also known as nyjer seed. This seed is small and difficult for blackbirds to eat, making it less attractive to them.

Sunflower seeds are a popular choice for bird feeders, but they can also attract blackbirds. To deter blackbirds, consider using a type of sunflower seed that has a harder shell, such as black oil sunflower seeds. These seeds are more difficult for blackbirds to crack open, making them less likely to eat them.

Suet is another type of food that can attract blackbirds, but it is also enjoyed by many other bird species. If you want to use suet in your feeder, consider using a feeder that is designed to exclude larger birds, such as a cage feeder.

Millet and corn are also popular types of bird food, but they can attract blackbirds. If you want to use these types of food, consider mixing them with other types of food that blackbirds tend to avoid, such as safflower seed or thistle seed.

Finally, consider offering fruits and peanuts in your feeder. Blackbirds tend to avoid these types of food, but they are enjoyed by many other bird species. Just make sure to remove any uneaten fruits to avoid attracting pests.

In summary, choosing the right food is an important step in keeping blackbirds away from your feeder. Consider using safflower seed, thistle seed, or black oil sunflower seeds to deter blackbirds. Mix in other types of food that blackbirds tend to avoid, such as fruits and peanuts, to attract other bird species.

Dealing with Aggressive Birds

Blackbirds are known to be aggressive towards other birds, and they can quickly become bullies at bird feeders. When they dominate the feeder, they can scare off smaller birds and prevent them from accessing the food. This behavior can also attract other aggressive birds like starlings, grackles, and house sparrows, leading to an infestation of bullies at the feeder.

To get rid of blackbirds and other aggressive birds at the feeder, there are several things that can be done. One approach is to switch to different styles of feeders that are less attractive to bullies. For example, tube feeders with smaller perches can deter larger birds like pigeons and blue jays from landing on them. Hopper-style feeders with weighted perches can also help prevent larger birds from accessing the food.

Another method to discourage aggressive birds is to use scare tactics. Placing reflective objects, like CDs or mirrors, near the feeder can create a threatening environment and scare off bullies. Additionally, using noise makers like wind chimes or motion-activated alarms can also startle aggressive birds and make them think twice before approaching the feeder.

It is essential to note that getting rid of bullies at the feeder requires patience and persistence. It may take several attempts to find the right combination of feeders and scare tactics that work best for the specific bird species in the area. However, with the right approach, it is possible to create a welcoming environment for smaller birds while keeping aggressive birds at bay.

Creating a Safe Environment

To keep blackbirds away from bird feeders, it is essential to create a safe environment for the smaller birds, such as chickadees, woodpeckers, and nuthatches, that are the intended beneficiaries of the feeder. One of the best ways to do this is to provide a feeding area that is clean and free of pests.

It is important to keep the feeding area clean to prevent the buildup of spilled seeds and other debris that can attract unwanted pests. Regularly cleaning the feeding area will also help to prevent the spread of disease among the birds. A good practice is to clean the feeding area at least once a week, removing any spilled seeds and debris, and scrubbing the feeder with warm, soapy water.

Another way to create a safe environment for birds is to keep cats and other predators away from the feeding area. Birds are vulnerable to attack from cats, so it is important to take steps to keep them away. One way to do this is to place the feeder in an area that is not easily accessible to cats. Another option is to use a humane way to deter cats, such as a motion-activated sprinkler or a cat repellent.

In addition to keeping the feeding area clean and free of pests, it is important to choose the right type of feeder to attract smaller birds and deter larger birds, such as blackbirds. This can be achieved by using smaller feeders with smaller perches that are less accessible to larger birds.

Overall, creating a safe environment for birds is essential to keeping blackbirds away from bird feeders. By keeping the feeding area clean and free of pests, and using the right type of feeder, backyard bird enthusiasts can enjoy the company of smaller birds without the nuisance of blackbirds.

Implementing Physical Barriers

One effective way to keep blackbirds away from bird feeders is by implementing physical barriers. These barriers can prevent blackbirds from accessing the feeder while allowing smaller songbirds to feed undisturbed. Here are some physical barriers that can be used:


Domes can be placed over the feeder to prevent blackbirds from landing on it. The dome must be wide enough to prevent blackbirds from reaching the feeding ports. Domes can be made of plastic or metal and can be purchased from bird feeder supply stores.

Wire Cage

Wire cages can be placed around the feeder to prevent blackbirds from accessing it. The cage must be small enough to prevent blackbirds from entering it but large enough to allow smaller songbirds to enter. Wire cages can be purchased from bird feeder supply stores or can be made at home using wire mesh.


Netting can be placed over the feeder to prevent blackbirds from accessing it. The netting must be fine enough to prevent blackbirds from reaching the feeding ports. Netting can be purchased from bird feeder supply stores or can be made at home using fine mesh.

Adjustable Perches

Adjustable perches can be used to prevent blackbirds from landing on the feeder. These perches can be adjusted to allow smaller songbirds to land on them while preventing blackbirds from doing so. Adjustable perches can be purchased from bird feeder supply stores.

Feeding Ports

Feeding ports can be adjusted to prevent blackbirds from accessing them. The ports can be made smaller to prevent blackbirds from reaching them while allowing smaller songbirds to feed. Feeding ports can be adjusted using a screwdriver.

Tray or Platform

A tray or platform can be placed under the feeder to prevent blackbirds from accessing it. The tray or platform must be large enough to prevent blackbirds from reaching the feeding ports. Trays or platforms can be purchased from bird feeder supply stores or can be made at home using wood or plastic.


A birdhouse can be placed near the feeder to provide a safe haven for smaller songbirds. This can prevent blackbirds from dominating the feeder and scaring away other birds. Birdhouses can be purchased from bird feeder supply stores or can be made at home using wood.

Overall, implementing physical barriers can be an effective way to keep blackbirds away from bird feeders. By using these barriers, smaller songbirds can feed undisturbed while blackbirds are prevented from accessing the feeder.

Maintaining Your Bird Feeding Station

Once you have selected a suitable feeder to deter blackbirds, it is important to maintain a clean and bird-friendly feeding station. This will help to prevent blackbirds and other unwanted pests from being attracted to the area.

Regular cleaning of your bird feeders is essential. Dirty feeders can harbor bacteria and disease, which can be harmful to birds. It is recommended to clean your feeders at least once a month, or more frequently if they become particularly dirty. Use a mild soap or detergent and rinse thoroughly with water.

In addition to cleaning your feeders, it is important to keep the feeding area clean. Remove any spilled birdseed or debris from the ground beneath the feeder. This will help to prevent the growth of mold and bacteria, which can be harmful to birds.

Consider using a suet feeder to attract birds that do not eat seeds. Suet is a high-energy food that is particularly attractive to woodpeckers, nuthatches, and chickadees. Suet feeders can be hung from a tree branch or placed on a feeding station.

If you have a ground feeder in your yard, consider using a suitable feeder that is designed to keep blackbirds away from bird food. Platform or tray feeders are not recommended if you have a blackbird problem, as they provide easy access to the food for these birds.

Finally, be mindful of the type of birdseed you are using. Blackbirds are particularly attracted to sunflower seeds, so consider using an alternative seed such as safflower. Safflower seeds are less attractive to blackbirds and are a favorite of cardinals, finches, and chickadees.

By maintaining a clean and bird-friendly feeding station, you can help to prevent blackbirds and other unwanted pests from being attracted to the area.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some effective ways to keep blackbirds away from bird feeders?

There are several effective ways to keep blackbirds away from bird feeders. One way is to choose the right feeder. Hopper style feeders with smaller perches can deter blackbirds from feeding. Another way is to use safflower seeds on the feeder. Blackbirds dislike safflower seeds, so they are less likely to feed on them. Additionally, installing a wire cage or dome on the feeder can prevent blackbirds from accessing the food.

How do I prevent starlings and grackles from eating all the bird food?

To prevent starlings and grackles from eating all the bird food, birders can use a selective feeder. Selective feeders have mechanisms that allow only certain birds, such as cardinals or blue jays, to access the food. Another option is to use a feeder with smaller perches, which can make it difficult for larger birds like starlings and grackles to feed.

What are some DIY methods to make a grackle-proof bird feeder?

There are several DIY methods to make a grackle-proof bird feeder. One method is to use a plastic jug with holes cut out for the smaller birds to access the food. Another method is to use a wire mesh cage around the feeder. This allows smaller birds to access the food while keeping larger birds like grackles out.

What type of bird feed do blackbirds dislike?

Blackbirds dislike safflower seeds, so using this type of seed on the feeder can deter them from feeding. They also tend to avoid nyjer seed and thistle seed.

How can I attract cardinals without attracting blackbirds?

To attract cardinals without attracting blackbirds, birders can use selective feeders that allow only cardinals to access the food. Another option is to use a feeder with smaller perches, which can make it difficult for larger birds like blackbirds to feed.

What are some humane ways to get rid of nuisance blackbirds?

Humane ways to get rid of nuisance blackbirds include using scare tactics such as hanging shiny objects or placing a fake owl near the feeder. Another option is to simply stop feeding the birds for a few days, which can encourage them to find food elsewhere. It is important to note that blackbirds are a protected species in some areas, so it is important to check local regulations before attempting to remove them.